It has been the dream at Computech to provide consistent and reliable data storage and application delivery to small/medium sized businesses in the Coachella Valley. After well over a year of studies and obtaining necessary demographic metrics, it has been determined the Eastern Riverside County as a whole has a substantial deficiency with regard to data centers VS the number of small to medium sized businesses. A ratio of 1283:1 exists and this number continues to become more disparate as new businesses continue to amass in Riverside County.
Over the last few years, virtualization has been successful at helping companies reduce the number of physical servers leading to savings in space and power consumption. However, there is one area where consolidation has been elusive: network monitoring, analysis and security infrastructure. In modern data centers, ensuring reliable and secure operation is a must, which in turn requires an array of network appliances dedicated to monitoring network performance and usage as well as providing security. This infrastructure is no longer optional, but a prerequisite, especially as data traffic increases and more services are consolidated into larger private clouds. This will be part of the primary mission at Computech.|
New technology developments now make it possible to consolidate network appliances using some of the same principles and technologies that were used to consolidate application servers, including intelligent adapters and intelligent data distribution mechanisms. The solution enables Computech to further reduce their data center footprint, saving not only on capital expenses by eliminating appliance hardware but ongoing operational expenses associated with managing the devices.
“Improving a data center starts with a proper understanding of the business model and the business architecture that is being used and not by a simple roll out of the newest technology.” To meet the business and technology needs of a data center an architecture development method is wanted. To take an architecture approach in constructing a data center you first have to start with a proper comprehension of the business model that is being used …then you can formulate the business architecture and finally you can start with designing the IT architecture and defining a technical design and finding appropriate products.
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